Granting Halal certificate:
IFANCC Halal Certification Process:
1. Halal certification application:
– Online form is available through IFANCC website www.ifancc.org. Clients can also request the form via email from halal@ifancc.org, or by contacting office phone number 905-275-0477.
– Application form is to be completed by the applicant and shall contain all the necessary information:
• Type of product or service to be certified (information about the product, service, or facility).
• Relevant standards / or normative documents that clients are seeking certification for.
• General information such as:
– Process flow Chart
– Products labels
– Raw materials/ Ingredients List
– Submission of completed form with supporting documents to halal@ifancc.org.
2. Application review and evaluation. (Estimated process time: 2 business days)
An assessment or evaluation will be conducted by a technical expert to determine the Halal eligibility of the product.
3. Halal certification agreement and price quote. (Estimated process time: 2 business days)
Upon successful completion of the application review, a quotation will be sent to the client (quotation is based on the general fee structure, consideration of the scope of work and fees related to each step of the certification process). Upon agreement on the IFANCC quotation, the client is requested to sign a certification agreement.
4. Scheduling Audit. (Estimated process time: 1-5 business days)
IFANCC Auditor will contact the client to schedule audit.
5. Report review and certification decision (Estimated process time: 1-5 business days)
After audit, the audit report will be reviewed and a final decision shall be made by the Certification Committee.
6. Issuance of halal certificate (Estimated process time: 1 business day)
After approval of the Certification Committee, IFANCC will proceed to the final step of issuing the Halal certificate.
*NB: The above-mentioned estimated process frame times are approximate and may vary based on the complexity of the products.
Refusal to grant halal certification:
IFANCC may refuse the halal certification application or refuse to issue a document verifying compliance with the halal requirements if:
- In IFANCC’s reasonable opinion the client does not comply or fails to comply with the halal requirements, halal standards, or Islamic law.
- In IFANCC’s reasonable opinion the client fails to comply with any of the obligations under the halal certification agreement.
Policy for suspension, withdrawal, or reduction of the halal certification:
The halal certification may be suspended if:
- The client persistently or seriously fails to meet the halal certification requirements.
- The client refuses to allow IFANCC to conduct surveillance or recertification audits.
- The client requests suspension of the halal certificate.
The halal certification may be withdrawn if:
- The client fails to meet any of the terms and conditions in the halal certification agreement.
- The client fails to resolve any suspension issues within the defined time.
- The client requests withdrawal of the certificate.
The scope of halal certification may be reduced if:
- The client fails to resolve any suspension issues that affect only some of the halal certified products within the defined time.
- Some of the halal certified products fail to meet the halal requirements.
- The client requests a reduction in scope.
Policy for maintaining, extending and renewing the halal certificate:
- To maintain the halal certificate, client must continue complying with the halal requirements.
- IFANCC may conduct surveillance audits to ensure that facility continue to meet the halal requirements.
- To extend the certification scope, client must submit a request to IFANCC. Evaluation and approval decision are required before extending any certificate.
- If necessary, IFANCC may conduct surveillance audit before the approval decision.
- For certification renewal, please submit a request to halal@ifancc.org
Procedure for suspension, withdrawal, reduction, maintenance, extension, and renewal of halal certificate:
- All issues related to suspension, withdrawal, or reduction are reviewed by the Halal Certification Committee of IFANCC.
- The Halal Certification Committee of IFANCC is responsible for making all decisions related to halal certification including: granting, maintaining, renewing, extending, reducing, suspending, and withdrawing of the halal certification.
- The client is notified of the Halal Certification Committee’s decision immediately.
- Suspended, withdrawn, and reduced certificates become invalid starting on the notification date.
If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at halal@ifancc.org